our work

Popular definitions of "discipleship" have become so common and overused, we may be missing out on the breadth and depth of the authentic Christian life. Let's go exploring!

The Dilemma of the Modern Disciple: Craving Deeper Connection in a Disconnected Age

Philosopher Dallas Willard concluded that modern Christianity is suffering from “The Great Omission” - the irony that we talk about the importance of making disciples but rarely do it.  Modern Christianity focuses on many good things: church services, Bible studies, accurate doctrine, evangelism, volunteerism…but is it producing people who love, think, act, and relate more and more like Jesus? 

This lack of genuine discipleship (or what’s called “spiritual formation”) can be seen in various ways, though we often just sense it.

We feel it.  Our hearts are disconnected from God, from others, and even from ourselves.

We read about the life-transforming, awe-inspiring lives of the early disciples and wonder, “Shouldn’t my life look more like theirs?  Is there something more to this Christian life than what I’m experiencing?”

The Stages of Spiritual Journey: Where Many Stall

The spiritual journey is a process of growth, characterized by distinct stages that guide our path deeper into faith. Though not strictly linear, this journey offers key milestones that indicate the depth and nature of our spiritual formation. Each stage reflects a critical phase of discovery and transformation, acting as markers that reveal the richness and depth of our ongoing relationship with God.

In their book The Critical Journey, Janet Hagerb and Robert Guelich propose that our spiritual journey may be broken down into six stages:

Yet our modern Christian experience normally stalls at Stage 3.  How might we experience the deeper stages of discipleship?  Where might we go to journey into these depths together?

Bridging the Gap: The Five Key Elements of Formation

Just as a flourishing tree requires nutrient-rich soil, sunlight, and air to grow beyond its sapling stage, our spiritual lives require specific elements to progress toward the deeper realms of faith. If the stages of our spiritual journey represent the fruit – the tangible outcomes of a deeper Christian life – then certain foundational elements are vital for nurturing this growth.

Our hearts are formed in numerous ways. Throughout human history, intentional spiritual formation always involves Five Key Elements:

  • Time
  • Habit
  • Community
  • Intimacy
  • Instruction 

These elements are the bedrock for moving us 'inward' towards self-reflection and personal growth, 'outward' to engage meaningfully with the world, and 'toward' a life of love, embodying the heart of Christ's teachings. Embracing these elements is akin to nurturing a tree in all the right conditions, ensuring our spiritual journey not only deepens but also bears the fruit of transformative Christian living.

Greenhouses: Cultivating
Deep Connection and Discipleship

Be part of a Soil & Roots Greenhouse Movement - united, vibrant, small communities centered around fostering a more profound connection with God, others and self and nurturing a discipleship pathway guided by Jesus.


Modern life tends to be frenetic and disconnected. Greenhouses invite us to slow down and enjoy time with God and others as we journey together.


We cooperatively nurture specific habits intended to deepen our faith, understand our stories, and become more like our King.


Our small gatherings are formed on a few principles, including the importance of dialogue, allowing and honoring doubts, and patiently loving and encouraging one another.


Spiritual formation requires trust, appropriate vulnerability, and a willingness to explore our joys, sorrows, obstacles, and stories.


Teaching is most formative when allowed to be tested, explored, and discussed. Greenhouses follow a guided instructional journey that fosters dialogue in an open environment.

Greenhouses: Cultivating Deeper
Stages of Spiritual Growth

The “Stage 3 Stall” happens, not for lack of longing or aspiration, but due to a “gap” in the Western church's approach to deep spiritual work. We've followed what's been asked of us, yet sense an unnamed yearning for something more profound.

This yearning for more echoes the words of C.S. Lewis:

"We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us... We are far too easily pleased.”

This is where Greenhouses come in. Soil & Roots is dedicated to forming and supporting intentional, small communities known as Greenhouses, specifically designed to embrace and embody the Five Key Elements of spiritual formation. These Greenhouses aren't just gatherings; they are nurturing spaces where Time, Habit, Community, Intimacy, and Instruction converge, fostering growth into the latter stages of our spiritual journey.

Transformative Greenhouse Experiences

In these communities, we don't just go through the motions - we seek a deeper experience with Jesus - and others - actively exploring God's narrative alongside our own. Greenhouses are the fertile ground where our spiritual lives can break free from the limitations of Stage 3. These essentials of spiritual formation are not new, they've been present in other formative experiences in our lives.

“I never realized there were five crucial elements to my discipleship journey. It makes sense though. Those same things were present in my childhood, my schooling, and my intensive sports programs. Why shouldn’t they be the same vital things in the most important formation of my life…my spiritual formation?”

Starting or Joining a Greenhouse

Form a Greenhouse

If you’re considering forming and facilitating a Greenhouse, just click below to start the application process.

Join an existing Greenhouse

New physical and virtual Greenhouses are forming regularly.  Click below to contact us for potential Greenhouses in your area.

Get More Information

Click below to view two helpful documents: About Greenhouses and Greenhouse FAQ

Talk to someone about a Greenhouse

Click below to sign up to speak with a Soil and Roots team member about Greenhouses.


A primary worldwide outreach of Soil and Roots found on most popular podcast platforms, the podcast is a slow, gentle, guided journey into the deeper end of discipleship.  Brian Fisher explores the world of spiritual formation, how human hearts are formed, and how we become more like Jesus through the discovery and exploration of ideas: the fundamental assumptions and principles that form our hearts.  The Soil and Roots podcast may be explored by individuals and groups, and it is the base material for the Exploration rhythm of Soil and Roots Greenhouses.

Many of the Soil and Roots podcast audio episodes are transcribed and provided as blog entries for those who prefer to read. The “Greenhouse” episodes (those featuring co-host Kyle Moody after episode 40) are not available as blog posts, but may be enjoyed in their audio form. 

What in the World is Deep Discipleship? Get started with our gift to you: “What in the World is Deep Discipleship?”  This downloadable, short e-book offers plain-English explanations and a companion story about how to explore the deep end of the Christian faith in community.  How might we better connect with God, others, and ourselves?  How might we discover the “more” that is often missing from our journey with Jesus?  How do we uncover the hidden ideas that form and govern us?
If you’d like information on Greenhouses, here are several resources:
  • More on Greenhouses 
  • Greenhouse Basics (link to doc)
  • Greenhouse FAQ (link to doc)
  • What is a Greenhouse? (link to Ep 58, both audio and blog)
  • Greenhousing the Greenhouse (link to Ep 59, just audio)

The Path to Kingdom-Centered
Deep Discipleship

Engage with
our podcast.

Our exploration starts with the podcast, a guided journey into the deep soils of discipleship. 

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with others.

Share our message within your community for those who may be longing for a deeper connection with God, themselves and others.

Join, or start, 
a Greenhouse.

These small communities are the expression of deep discipleship, lived out in flesh and blood, designed to help you understand how your story fits into God's grand narrative.

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Give to Soil and Roots to help others experience deep discipleship in community while growing the Kingdom.

Join the Greenhouse Movement

What in the World
is Deep Discipleship?

Get started with our gift to you: "What in the World is Deep Discipleship?" This downloadable, short e-book offers plain-English explanations and a companion story about how to explore the deep end of the Christian faith in community. How might we better connect with God, others, and ourselves? How might we discover the "more" that is often missing from our journey with Jesus? How do we uncover the hidden ideas that form and govern us? Sign up now for your free short e-book!